In the untitled series executive produced by Jordan Peele after being released on good behavior from a 15-year prison stint, Tray (Morgan) is shocked to see just how much the world has changed in his absence. Returning to his newly-gentrified Brooklyn neighborhood, Tray discovers that his former girlfriend has married an affable, successful white man, who is helping raise the twin sons Tray never knew existed. Wanting nothing more than to connect with his kids, but having no money to support them or himself, Tray falls back on the skills he learned in prison to make ends meet.

Maldonado will play Cousin Bobby, Tray’s loyal cousin, not the brightest tool in the shed. He was just 15 when Tray first went to prison, and he’s grown up to be a small-time hustler who is always looking for the latest scam. He helps Tray adjust to life on the outside.

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